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Saturday, September 11, 2010

He Raises Up The Poor

This morning I got a preview of those in Zion. 
I saw a City on a Hill and there were many multitudes journeying into it's Gates.
Then I heard the LORD say:
"He raises up the poor from the dust and the needy from the ash heap.
He seats them with Princes and has them inherit a Throne of Honor." 1 Samuel 2:8

Say to them, This is what the LORD says: "This oracle concerns the Prince in Jerusalem and the whole House of the Israel who are there." (from Ezekiel)

As I read these verses and saw this vision in the Spirit... the LORD said to me: 

"ALL have been poor and needy and ALL have been raised from the Ash Heap to inherit My Kingdom. My Chosen Prince has made himself without reputation and humbled himself to join all of mine on the Pile...that He might be lifted up in due time, and lift others along with Him. These are my glorious ones who you see walking with the Prince into Zion. This is your dream and it is Mine!" <3

What Love He has given to us... We will soon be Home... and our Family will be our Joy forever!
Have a blessed day!