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Monday, October 11, 2010

Burning Down The House

It's late.. or later than I want to be up anyway. I went to bed reflecting on the day... and the LORD showed me a picture of Smokey The Bear while going to sleep and I knew it was time to get back up and write what He's dropping into my spirit.

Earlier He said.. " No one can drop a lit match in the Corner of My House and expect it NOT to burn down the Whole House"... It goes back to His Words.. "A House divided cannot stand" and "One day we will all come to the knowledge of the Truth."

He's right you know.. as usual. It's hard for even the children of God to communicate because of the places in each of us that are broken and because of the sin that still lay in the part of us yet.. undone.

It should be the heart of all of us in the Body to build up the Body of Christ. What does that look like? Well.. I think it means to focus on the gifts and strengths of one another and to call them out.. to be the cane that each of us needs to support the other... to take up another's cross as the man in the crowd did for Jesus. It means to love one another and serve one another... and sometimes it means to wound... but not for any reason but faithfulness and as if 'snatching their white robes from the flame'.

I have a few friends that do this for me.. and they ARE my friends. One is here on Facebook and He always faces me head on and calls it like he sees it. He is spirit filled and led.. not perfect and sometimes he doesn't get it right.. but I know his heart and it is good! I have another friend in New England whom I see whenever I  go home. It always seems we are learning the same 'lessons' but in different circumstances. She is always face to face with me too.. nothing flowery.. nothing covert.. She loves me and sometimes it's all sunshine and flowers and sometimes she's just straight.. but as the Word of God states.. she "is pouring HOT COALS" on my wound.

Sounds terrible.. doesn't it? Hot Coals on a hurting and painful area of a person's life... I thought so too when a pastor told me that.. I got so upset with him I was almost standing beside myself! lol.. but.. he explained it. The woman with an issue of Blood for 12 years knows ALL about this stuff.. because she hurt... and no physician could cure her..But Jesus DID. Heaven's power flowed from Him to her and cauterized that wound.. that is what HOT COALS do. We can mistake them for cruelty and for pride.. but if we know the heart of a true friend .. we let them be the Hand of the Great Physician who comes only to HEAL.. and you and I know that it 'Dunt feel so good' sometimes...

The boys on the Emaeus Road.. talked together about all they saw and heard.. the disciples in the Upper Room did as well.. they talked among themselves.. some saw things from one 'angle' and some from another..

The KEY is to throw things out there and share the angles..keeping Love and Unity and Peace in mind.. the Oneness of the Body. To BUILD up the Body of Christ. None of us are perfect.. but we need to be about the work of Living the Unity in the bond of peace part at all times. We have to keep watch on the Atmosphere.. even in the rooms here.. when it begins to change we need to escort that unclean spirit OUT.

Patience.. toleration, love.. bearing with.. long-suffering.. and at times when there are Sparks that can FLY into the corner of a House.. being able to get in there and put the Fires out  before they catch and wound and/ or destroy the children living there. We have to know the hearts of one another and that we are Family.. Safe.. and that our hearts are Good! That we have each others backs!

We have His Heart.

Jesus said.."offenses will come" and to "forgive  the trespasses of another we are forgiven ours.. We ALL stumble in many things. It is discretion to over look a matter.. blessed are the peacemakers."  ( He's downloading..lol..) We are Poor in Spirit but He love us and we ought to Love one another.. <3

Remember.. Phoenix.. and Friends.. ONLY WE CAN PREVENT A FIRE. <3

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