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Monday, October 11, 2010

The Wrong Use Of A Right Thing

I cannot think of anything that is Evil in and of itself. I can only think of the Author of Evil and those who follow him. Satan, the fallen Angels or Demons, and people. NOT that these were MADE that way.. this is a FREE-WILL CHOICE made to 'Give themselves over to a WRONG USE or PURPOSE.' GOD did not make them this way.

So.. what happened?

Well.. my best guess is you have this B E A U T I F U L Archangel that was GOD's right hand.. so to speak.. If you read his description in Isaiah.. oh my... He WAS perfect in Beauty...WOW! And Lucifer was MADE for a GOOD PURPOSE.. For right Relationship and to be used by GOD in Mighty ways.. He displayed GOD's Glory!

The thing was.. and this happens to ALL of us.. is that Lucifer had what could have been a moment of temporary INsanity... He saw in the spirit.. 'his own beauty'. Uh oh. The thing we have to focus on is this: Lucifer HAD NO BEAUTY OF HIS OWN. Nada.. none. zip. But, in his insanity he forgot that part and acted as if HE had made himself who he was. Oops. We do that too. Now his temporary FIX on himself became PERMANENT.. Could that happen to US? You betcha!!!

The Anointing of GOD can come on us SO strong at times that we look and see in the spirit what we think... is.. 'our OWN beauty too." PRIDE comes in faster than waters from a Dam Break... and we are OVERCOME with Self-Admiration.. the number one ticket to a FALL.  Lucifer..  (now AKA Satan)..his FALL was and is Permanent.. I guess because he never could 'get over himself' and SEE the TRUTH.. that without the Spirit of the Living GOD on his life.. he was just a Glove with no HAND inside. He lied to himself and has remained IN THAT Deception ever since! Satan.. now known as Adversary of GOD!

Not a title I would want.. but it is true that anytime I am out of Sync with GOD and His Word I am.. just that.. an Adversary... and am SUNK!

To become and remain IN SYNC with GOD we have to know.. not only the TOOL of GOD.. (HIS WORD).. but the PERSON of GOD.. (HIS HOLY SPIRIT). To have both is to have the right tools for relationship and to minister.. any time we have one or think we have the other.. we open ourselves up to LEGALISM, LAW, become a Henchman and develop the wrong use of the right Tool. 

Anytime we spend more time with whom we may think is the Holy Spirit but we neglect the WORD of GOD.. we can be deceived and may be dealing with evil spirits having a hey-day with us and those around us.. THROUGH us. Look at all of those who in the past have named Christ and have led others into awful deeds or death.

Let's look at this Wrong use of a Right Thing in other aspects of life... A gun. A gun is NOT an evil thing. It helps those who living in remote places hunt for food when they are hungry.. or maybe they use a Bow. None the less it is a right use for a right purpose.

How about anger? Anger has a good purpose to it.. GOD has it as an emotion and He gave it to us. It tells us when something is WRONG or a boundary line has been crossed.. it is a SIGNAL to us that there is a problem. The right use of it is to 'recognize' what the problem truly is and to deal with it in a GODLY manner. That is the right use of a right thing. When it goes HAYWIRE is when the person responsible for their emotions uses a RIGHT thing in a WRONG WAY.. like beating a child.. or a wife or husband.. or taking the gun and using it to maim or kill.
Are you getting this?

My late husband was a sheet metal mechanic.. he built engine cylinders for planes. He had some of his tools in the garage and well... I was a bit younger than he. One day I am outside working in the yard and I wanted to trim a branch off a tree.. prune it... I went into his toolbox and got out a tool of his Box.(GOOD TOOL and WRONG PURPOSE)... lol.. oops. It worked.. (lucky I didn't break it.. that's another thing that can happen).. but I listened to him tell me most of the afternoon about how there can be Wrong Uses of Right Things. (Blush).

Now..let's drive this puppy home....

The Word of GOD is a TOOL. A GOOD TOOL for a GOOD PURPOSE and USE.. but it CAN and HAS been used for the WRONG THINGS.

Case in point: The Pharisees and their buddies. I don't even have to expound here... we know what they did (Used HIS WORD for WRONG PURPOSES and BROKE PEOPLE) and we KNOW exactly how JESUS felt about their words and actions! 

I have a friend who studies the Word of GOD. I admire that. But the fact is this person does not attend services at Church on a regular basis, does not seem to spend time with the LORD and does not live much at all what is read. When this person wants to debate .. because that seems to be why they read.. to gain knowledge.. I leave. Sometimes they get upset with me and I have tried to explain that to me.. it is the RIGHT TOOL put to the WRONG USE. If they end up cultivating their relationship with JESUS as well.... WATCH OUT! This person will be an amazing tool for GOD to minister.

If we study 'to show ourselves approved, a workman unto GOD' to bring LOVE, Salvation, Deliverance, healing and LIFE to all who seek HIM that is the RIGHT USE of a RIGHT THING or TOOL. But if we gain knowledge for the sake of SEEING OUR OWN BEAUTY.. that makes Christ Nauseated.. we can hurt and wound people.. and our hearts are not right toward them.

OK.. so.. we need to be IN the RIGHT RELATIONSHIP.. and KNOW the PERSON of JESUS CHRIST by HIS SPIRIT and KNOW HIS WORD to have the CORRECT BALANCE so that we can have the RIGHT TOOLS for the RIGHT PURPOSE and MOTIVES to MINISTER. 

If we don't do this the right way.. we BREAK HEARTS instead of healing them.

How do I know this.. because I, in the past, have done ALL MY OWN STUNTS...AND crashed and Burned.. Not only I.. but the people around me. The wrong use of the Word can stick, hammer, punch, deflate, and wound... and no good comes from it. The right use can sever off the old, cauterize a wound, give LIFE, lift up, encourage, inspire, teach, and the like!

Today.. I am a GLOVE. That's it. Lifeless without my Best Friend Jesus and HIS SPIRIT that enters this SKIN. He brings me to LIFE! And I spend time with Him in His Word.. so I can know His Mind and His Person.
Sure.. there are days when I get into the Flesh.. and can wound.. but more and more those days are getting behind me. I've seen what my 'Seeing my own beauty can do... BARF!' so, I'd rather do HIS EXPLOITS than pull anymore stunts on my own.


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