Well... last week it was announced by the government that the "Recession is now over!" Wow.. I got so excited to think that bologna could actually be true.. I know it isn't in my house or neighborhood.
Don't you just love it this last year? Our government leaders seem to have this idea that if they SAY it.. and we BELIEVE it.. it must be true?!!
Ok.. so yesterday.. someone on the news said... "Guess what? The economy is plateauing and joblessness is still a problem."
Don't quote me word for word on these statements, but I think I got them both pretty close! Sheesh. Do they think we are THAT dumb?
I think our government is missing a BIG piece of 'Calling something into existence.'.. that being that is HAS to ORIGINATE from GOD's Spirit through His Word.. I think, instead what they are doing is WITCHCRAFT. How clearly we can see that man's ideas and powers are well.. impotent.
They are casting FALSE HOPE.. the ONLY HOPE we have is in GOD!!! AMEN!!!
But the thing that is on my heart to speak about this morning is from 2 Thessalonians 3. It's time for us to get to back to work!!!
During this economy there are many in ministry that are JUST in ministry... NOW.. wait a second! IF you are busy in this full time and have a full plate.. if your congregation or 'flock' is NOT strained by supporting you.. then.. by ALL means.. continue in this so that you may have the freedom to work hard in the LORD's service and minister to these FAITHFULLY!
But.. if you are taking support from a group that is heavily burdened in trying to meet your needs... either cut your needs to a minimum.. or get a job to offset the need... we should not take advantage of people at all ... especially in times like these.
NOW.. IF you fall into circumstances that are difficult.. it is not for me to say to you..' to do this or that'.. it is YOUR responsibility to go before the LORD and seek His Face and will in the matter for you and your people. Just do the praying so the LORD is not spoken against by those you wish to bring aid. We are models of His Love.. not spoiled children. We all pretty much would just love to be in ministry 24/7.. but the times are calling for us to be faithful to God and to every penny for His use.
And for those of you who have large ministries.. pray about taking these and asking the LORD how best to operate in this economy.. if you cut back.. ask the LORD how to use the money to help those who are struggling without or with little food and clothing.. utilities, etc. The cold winter months are upon us and we ALL need to share whatever it is we have and can GIVE to help those in NEED and to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Just like at home.. we have to ask the LORD.. "is this a NEED or a WANT in the HOUSE OF GOD?" Right now the most important things aside from the Gospel and critical ministry tools for health are physical supplies for survival!
What's that saying? " NO ONE cares how much you know.. till they know how much you care?!" It is TRUTH! How can we buy a BIGGER and BETTER sound system when bellies are without food.. children are without needed winter clothing and shoes and there is no electric? DUH!"
The programs can come later on... maybe. But if not.. get over it.. a pick and a guitar works just as well all by itself.. and Acapella has it's beauty too! You get it....
"1 Finally, brothers, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you. 2 And pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men, for not everyone has faith.3 But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one. 4 We have confidence in the Lord that you are doing and will continue to do the things we command. 5 May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance." Amen.