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Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Whole Idea

Well... last week it was announced by the government that the "Recession is now over!" Wow.. I got so excited to think that bologna could actually be true.. I know it isn't in my house or neighborhood.

Don't you just love it this last year? Our government leaders seem to have this idea that if they SAY it.. and we BELIEVE it.. it must be true?!!

Ok.. so yesterday.. someone on the news said... "Guess what? The economy is plateauing and joblessness is still a problem." 

Don't quote me word for word on these statements, but I think I got them both pretty close! Sheesh. Do they think we are THAT dumb?

I think our government is missing a BIG piece of 'Calling something into existence.'.. that being that is HAS to ORIGINATE from GOD's Spirit through His Word.. I think, instead what they are doing is WITCHCRAFT. How clearly we can see that man's ideas and powers are well.. impotent.

They are casting FALSE HOPE.. the ONLY HOPE we have is in GOD!!! AMEN!!!

But the thing that is on my heart to speak about this morning is from 2 Thessalonians 3. It's time for us to get to back to work!!!

During this economy there are many in ministry that are JUST in ministry... NOW.. wait a second! IF you are busy in this full time and have a full plate.. if your congregation or 'flock' is NOT strained by supporting you.. then.. by ALL means.. continue in this so that you may have the freedom to work hard in the LORD's service and minister to these FAITHFULLY!

But.. if you are taking support from a group that is heavily burdened in trying to meet your needs... either cut your needs to a minimum.. or get a job to offset the need... we should not take advantage of people at all ... especially in times like these.

NOW.. IF you fall into circumstances that are difficult.. it is not for me to say to you..' to do this or that'.. it is YOUR responsibility to go before the LORD and seek His Face and will in the matter for you and your people. Just do the praying so the LORD is not spoken against by those you wish to bring aid. We are models of His Love.. not spoiled children. We all pretty much would just love to be in ministry 24/7.. but the times are calling for us to be faithful to God and to every penny for His use.

And for those of you who have large ministries.. pray about taking these and asking the LORD how best to operate in this economy.. if you cut back.. ask the LORD how to use the money to help those who are struggling without or with little food and clothing.. utilities, etc. The cold winter months are upon us and we ALL need to share whatever it is we have and can GIVE to help those in NEED and to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Just like at home.. we have to ask the LORD.. "is this a NEED or a WANT in the HOUSE OF GOD?" Right now the most important things aside from the Gospel and critical ministry tools for health are physical supplies for survival! 

What's that saying? " NO ONE cares how much you know.. till they know how much you care?!" It is TRUTH! How can we buy a BIGGER and BETTER sound system when bellies are without food.. children are without needed winter clothing and shoes and there is no electric? DUH!"
The programs can come later on... maybe. But if not.. get over it.. a pick and a guitar works just as well all by itself.. and Acapella has it's beauty too! You get it....

"1 Finally, brothers, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you. 2 And pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men, for not everyone has faith.3 But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one. 4 We have confidence in the Lord that you are doing and will continue to do the things we command. 5 May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance." Amen.

Friday, October 8, 2010

GOD is Patient, GOD is Kind, GOD is Long-Suffering.. but there IS a Limit.

"Before them fire devours, behind them a flame blazes. Before them the land is like the garden of Eden, behind them, a desert waste--nothing escapes them." Joel 2:3

Are you one of those who takes advantage of GOD's Grace? C'mon... be honest. Sometimes.. I find myself pushing His limits... I think.

To tell you the Truth.. GOD is very patient, very kind, and oh so long-suffering.. and who knows truly when He is at His end.. but.. why go that far?

I can honestly say in 25 years there have been a handful of times to my knowledge.. if that.. that I have felt GOD's limits getting pushed. In His Presence with me... through the Word He has given me... and through the response or lack of from His Spirit. In those times.. I had become a bit unruly. My own anger ignited and powerful emotions spewing forth. When GOD has responded in these particular times that I have walked on the edge.. His Word and demeanor made me tremble!

Yesterday S.O.S Christian Radio was finishing up there Share-A-Thon and they had taken a poll of about 1500 people across the USA so far. It seems that about 75 percent of these people thought GOD was an ANGRY GOD.. distant, harsh, critical, judgmental, and just waiting to ZAP them! SAD.

The LORD asked me as I drove along... "What do you say about ME after all of these years?" 

The question took me by surprise.

"Well..." I said... "You ARE tough... When you make up your mind about something.. there is usually no changing it.. lol.. but then.. YOU are GOD.. You KNOW everything, and You are everywhere.. so who can argue with You?! But, GOD.. You are also SO  tender and compassionate. There are times when I melt in your abiding Presence and love... You comfort, counsel, You're my Best Friend,.. just so amazing!... I guess you are both... Tough.. and Tender... A perfect balance."

Then what came to mind was the words of a song... "A thundering-velvet Hand." 

This morning... Father took me to Joel 2:3..."Before them fire devours, behind them a flame blazes. Before them the land is like the garden of Eden, behind them, a desert waste--nothing escapes them."

GOD's anger is a FIRE... when ignited it will go our before Him and devour His enemies and ours.

DO WE have a healthy Fear of the LORD as yet? 

OR.. has time with Him.. dulled that?

 "Have you suffered so much for nothing — if it really was for nothing?" Galatians 3:4

Is it possible to start out right in our walk with GOD having a reverent and healthy Fear and then after we become somewhat Familiar with Him in our lives.. we can begin to LOSE that? 

I believe that if and when this happens we can begin to RELAPSE into sin.

It's good to feel comfortable in GOD's Presence.. but if we get TOO comfortable.. TOO familiar... and we lose sight of the Fear of GOD.. we are in BIG trouble.. and His FIRE ALARM can begin to ring on the edge of our lives!

My earthly Dad.. when growing up.. had these eyes. Eyes.. that when he had ENOUGH would turn a STEEL GRAY to match his facial expression toward me. It always made me re-think things and get back in line.. IMMEDIATELY.

I always 'got the message' when he shot me that LOOK.. because it was 'his' FIRE ALARM beginning to ring! All I had to do was humble myself and get back in line.

It is the same with GOD.

If this morning.. you find.. like me..  you have gotten TOO comfortable in the Presence of GOD.. and you are tottering on the EDGE.. HUMBLE YOURSELF and GET BACK IN LINE. Don't wait until you hear the FIRE ALARM go off in Heaven. We have suffered enough to get this far.. needless suffering is something we can control with making right choices.

The only FIRE we want in our lives is that of His Spirit to Work Holiness into us.. and the FIRE POWER that brings Holy Conviction and A reverence for GOD into the lives of those who need to know Him when we are near!


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Not A Checker Game - Ezekiel 14

My Gram was a Checker Professional! Ok... that from a 6 year old's view.

She had great mercy in playing Checkers with me. She hated to put her skills to use and so she would feign weakness, and lose so that I could win. I could smell it even then.. a mile away! 

I hated it!

So.. one day.. I got the courage to ask her NOT to let me win anymore. 

Big mistake.

She trounced me... over and over.. and I choking back the tears and smiling.. still would have it NO other way! If I was going to win.. I wanted it to be FAIR and SQUARE because I 'went for it'! 

After some time passed, I got to be good at Checkers and on occasion would truly win. I WANTED IT and gave it all I had and did not Cheat.

I was thinking about this today because it is how I am with GOD many times.

God sits on one side the my heart, and I on the other. We seem to be competing for WHO will be KING of my Heart at times. I hate that too.

There are many things I ask Him for over and over and over again and I call it persistence.. right? 

He calls it a Heart problem.. a "Heart of Idols."

He knows my Heart truly that deep down I love Him and there is nothing that I won't give up.. even if hard.. with His help.. because there is no one and nothing I desire more than Him. But.. there is still work to do in there.

I don't think it is the things that I ask for that are the problem... they are GOOD things.

But He tells me this morning that while I think I am being persistent.. I am asking for what I desire in the wrong LIGHT.. if you get my drift.

I am a focused human being, determined, set like flint when I desire something.. a Bulldog.. I guess. Maybe that is not a bad trait.. but if it desires something amiss it can be. Kind of like my heart cries out..."KING ME. I WIN."...but... there is NO doubt that persistence about good things in a not good light... is really being a LOSER.

As I sit here and write this.. I am going through my 'House' with a checklist and GOD. I'm renovating this part of my heart.. RIGHT NOW.

There can ONLY be ONE KING and in this case... If I LOSE... because HE WINS... then I WIN too.

KING HIM! That's my desire now!

"LORD..no more detestable practices... no more Heart Idols.. and no more persistence toward Good things in a wrong light.

Help me ONLY to want the things you want for me... now and forever more!

You told me in Psalm 15 what my walk should look like and the heart I really  need to have to be with You. In Psalm 17 You hear my CRY and you come to my aid. Change my heart O GOD... I offer it to YOU.. EMPTY... fill it with YOUR SPIRIT and what you desire. And.. make me HOLY."

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Forgive Us Our Trespasses as we.....?

Forgiveness.. let's walk on some new and scary ground. When I was growing up.. I was taught to forgive everyone for everything and relationships were meant to be restored after the person was truly sorry for what they had said and or done. When I was young most of the time people WERE sorry when they had hurt you in some way. The world has changed! Today.. people are SO into themselves that really.. they could care less about you more times than not and if you even mention the fact that they have hurt or offended you.. they will tell you where to go.. how to get there... and even give you specific details! I feel badly for my parents who are in their golden years and both see and hear a very different kind of world.

Today the LORD made some things very clear in the classes He had me facilitate with Him and I want to share them with you too. Maybe you will also find something to glean like I did from Him. We are going to look at 2 types of heart attitudes here from those who may have caused you hurt.

Let's say the first person says or does something.. or maybe they withhold saying or doing something.. and it offends, trespasses against you, or wounds you and even deeply. The LORD says that while we have to choose what to take issue with and when..there are many things we don'e even need to let trouble us. But.. when it IS necessary.. we NEED to face things HEAD ON. 

DENIAL is one of the WORST enemies we have. We tend to DENY what we DON'T want to deal with. DENIAL after a wound.. only HOLDS OPEN the wound for the DIRT to get in.. if you are hearing the LORD in this.

FACE your problems. In LOVE and TRUTH... and with a humble, gentle, and quiet spirit.. with a soft answer.... Speak to your 'friend' about the problem and how it affected you.

Once you do this... Listen to them.

If they put up a SMOKE SCREEN of JUNK.. don't engage them any further. Take your situation and hurt to the LORD and LEAVE IT there. CHOOSE to FORGIVE the Offense... even if you have to do it moment by moment until it loses it's sting. Intercede for them and PURPOSEFULLY DO GOOD TO THEM. 

When you do GOOD on purpose to another after and offense.. that good deed acts as a SHIELD to PROTECT YOU from DIRT and BACTERIA getting INTO the wound and causing an INFECTION. Leaving the person and the matter in the Hands of GOD, interceding for them and doing good, frees you to move on. There is no magic or instant cure.. and if and when the matter comes back to you in thought you must take it captive and remind yourself it is dealt with. The Devil will love it if you begin to nurse the hurt all over again and he will surely capitalize on it to your hurt and the hurt of the other. The Devil REPLAYS a matter... GOD throws it away as far as East is from West.

Let's say this person is convicted by the way you respond to the offense.. and they are TRULY broken over it, and desire to repent in truth. The Word of GOD says... 70 x 7 you must forgive.. that is not a literal number.. just that as long as a person is trying to do the work of change you are obligated to show grace, mercy and forgivenness over and over again as GOD has done for you.

Remember the story of the KING who forgave the man his overwhelming debt in the Bible? Jesus told us that though he was forgiven,.. he did NOT forgive one who owed him. So.. the KING called back the man he forgave and made him pay his debt until it was complete.. now.. you and I both know that we CANNOT repay what we owe Christ.. but since He has forgiven us and showed us abundant Grace in this DAY of Grace.. We best not withhold it from others!

In this case we work to restore the relationship.

2nd Person: We do exactly the same as we did with the first.. only.. in this case this particular person is NOT TRULY repentant. NO godly sorrow...no brokenness, no tears, no grief over their sin or the hurt they caused you. Their body language says.. "eh.. get over it." Their words may echo that sentiment as well.. or.. they may tell you off.. and do it all again to hurt you just to show you they can do as they please and who are you to tell them otherwise??!!!!  Or.. they may.. with their LIPS only.. say.. 'I'm sorry and I promise to change."..BUT they NEVER even attempt to do the WORK of change with GOD.

So.. here is where the difference begins.. You STILL turn them over to GOD and release them.. you forgive them.. and you get on your face and ask the LORD the way you should take because every circumstance is different. But.. if you are in an abusive relationship.. verbal, emotional, sexual, and or physical.. and this person is not going to do what it takes to change.. here is the action. LEAVE.

The LORD says that we are to love Him with all of our soul, heart, mind and strength and we are to love Others AS OURSELVES. If I love myself and am doing everything with GOD to work things out.. that is ALL I can do. I CANNOT DO another's part in the relationship FOR THEM. If we are married.. it IS a Covenant relationship and the LORD says we are not to leave except for adultery.. but here is the 'clause' He put in as well.. "You are to live in peace with all men as best you are able, IF you leave you are NOT to remarry." In other words... if you are giving your all.. if you are doing ALL you can.. and your relation, friend, etc.. will not do their part.. you do NOT have to stay in the abuse. You can leave. You cannot remarry or even see anyone else. You made a covenant and you have to keep it until they get help and you return to them.. or they die. This way you honor the vow and Covenant you made before GOD... and you honor your mate, and yourself. 

IF you are not married.. but it is a friend, neighbor, co-worker, etc.. you do NOT have to restore the destructive relationship or at least restore it in full. You decide.

Forgiveness and restoration are 2 different things.. and while full restoration is always the goal.. it cannot happen if the person proves over and over during the course of time that they will not allow GOD to help them change. 

Abuse in short can be defined as anything that is not used for it's PURPOSE. In a relationship it is NO different. If you abuse a tool it BREAKS and how much more a PERSON? If you are in a relationship and not loved, honored and respected, nor valued... if you are being abused and immediate HARM is at hand.. leave right away. GO and get help. If you feel that you cannot ASK GOD for wisdom and "DO whatever HE tells you."

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Interest of Others 2

Last night I experienced the biggest breakthrough I have ever had. About a month or so ago, my world changed,.. with notice from above, immensely.. even more so than after our recent move from the east coast to Las Vegas. 

The dark clouds came looming over and I was braced for a hurricane under.. I said.. under... the waters.

Have you ever read the account of Jesus walking on the water toward the disciples in the rocking boat on the stormy seas? 

Ha.. I never thought of this until the LORD had someone teach it. These men were not on seas they were unfamiliar with. As a matter of fact THEY were SEASONED fisherman.. so.. what would make them quake at THIS particular Storm?

It was because the words in the text tell us there was something like an EARTHQUAKE under the waters!

Now.. I have never..only in a dream..(and felt it.. lol..) been in an Earthquake.. but .. there can be no experience like it when your world that SEEMS stable like a rock under you is MOVED! Correct?

My world experienced and Earthquake!..and though I felt calmer because Jesus was in my boat (and has been for 25 years..( instead of 3 like theirs).. I was still not thrilled with the whole experience! I felt I should have done better! :)

You know.. GOD does not send us the details.. usually.. of things that are coming at us.. except for the very generic, need to know.. information. I was told.. "By September 24th you will experience pivotal or critical change in your life." 

That was enough to let me know that I needed to make sure what needed buttoning down on my boat.. was done.. and quickly. The things that were NOT going to remain.. I tried to save.. I guess.. but ultimately.. what was not needed was taken overboard by the waves!

Today... this day of my writing.. my boat is pretty bare. No fancy sailboat... no stock or furniture to admire. It's sleek, lite, and has only what is needed to meet whatever else lay ahead... Funny thing is? I'm glad!!!

After the initial "heads up" from GOD... the storm really kicked in! Rains, waves, rocking, loss, in I went into survival mode as things were washed away. I got seasick, tired (you know that weighty kind of lead tired), gave up trying to 'save stuff' and just surrendered. The pressure on all sides was great.. and got to the point where the UGLY stuff in me started to rise up! I hate that part!

It isn't fun to go through a tight place and get your character squeezed.. to the point where you want to start anesthetizing yourself so you won't feel the hard brunt of anything.

I began to COMPLAIN. Let me tell you something.. GOD will listen to your complaints, and to a point He will sympathize.. but I don't think He is happy with it and He does not get honored in that.

When I began instead to 'CRY OUT' for help.. then humility came and HE went into action. It WAS the FOURTH WATCH and don't think that because you CRY OUT in the first one He'll come running. This sister was getting tested... sorely!

I'm glad now.. AFTER.. because I get to see where I was REALLY at. God came to the rescue just before I went south too much... He knew.. "ENOUGH".

Now.. let me tell you how I understood all of this today.

I was at the GYM. I am on a program called Activetrax. A computer generates my workout's like a personal trainer and I can even keep track online.

When I first started.. a month ago.. I was not feeling in the best of shape. I asked the LORD to be my "Coach" and He as done so.. not only in life.. but at the gym well. 

I realized that I have been taught a lot in and through my workouts...So much about 'Resistance' and all of it's BENEFITS in EVERY area of our lives. 

If you want to be a STRONG ATHLETIC kind of KID that belongs to the LORD.. you have to PAY your DUE. Get up early or at least set a time to be with Him EVERY SINGLE DAY. Your day is nothing like it could be unless you are meeting with Jesus Christ.. your Life Coach!

Let Him take you into the WORD and give you your DAILY BREAD. Savor what you have been given to eat.. because it is your marching order for THE DAY.

Let HIM take you on a tour of your day. He will "lead, guide and direct you into ALL TRUTH" and into your steps toward your destiny. YOu will have ALL you need IF you FOLLOW HIS PLAN.

Remember it is HIS GYM and HE is the only COACH worth listening to.. and HE WILL make you  work for it.. as you REST in HIM!

In one month's time.. I have felt the pressure of the workouts. But.. today.. my clothes are looser, my frame is already getting stronger and toned.. and my endurance increasing. I worship while I workout... It is my time with HIM. 

Today.. after 2 days off.. my weights were.. LITE. I got the message loud and clear..

We NEED to go through these kinds of GOD ordained TESTS to see where we are really at. GOD will not let us go beyond what we can endure.. but we WILL see who we and what are really like.. and in the meantime our Spiritual Muscles are being developed through resistance, hard work, sweat and YEP.. tears... just about the time these grueling workouts are hitting us at maximum levels.. He stops it.
We are so weary we cannot lift the weight once more... and HE comes to SPOT US.. (give assistance).

In lifting weights.. every athlete knows the increase comes when you reach the point where your muscles begin to BURN. It is not in the first 15 reps that you experience GREAT benefit.. that is 'conditioning what one already has'.. it is in those LAST FEW LIFTS when your muscles are saying.. "Hey man.. I don't have much more oxygen here!".. that when you continue.. if safe.. to finish those last five without HARM.. that your muscles receive the INCREASE.. and after a short season.. these weights become LITE... your muscles now need more WEIGHT to challenge them!

Isn't THAT like our Spiritual Growth???


The thing and the reason for writing all of this is that MANY.. even CHRISTIANS are taking the BROAD and EASY ROAD... S T O P!


The TRUTH is.. YOU were made for the HARD ROAD... for the ATHLETIC BUILD in CHRIST.. to be a GOOD SOLDIER! How many of you are thankful that in the USA our BOYS are Fighting for our FREEDOM? My question though is ARE YOU FIGHTING FOR THE FREEDOM OF THOSE THAT ARE LOST???








The Interests of Others

I don't have a hard time helping.... If someone is in need I like, when I am able, to be a part of the Giving. It's important to do so, as we also have our own times of need. If you have never been 'in need' it's hard for you to grasp completely.. but your day may come... and not just fiscally. Also... ALL that we have belongs to the LORD and not us.. so that we might know that our hands should always be open to share what we have or give what He asks of us. And.. there WILL be times He asks us to give the thing we 'value' the most.

Yesterday....and this was new.... we stopped in a store to get a few things after lunch. As we got to the registers, myself and two other older women were heading for the same speedy checkout line. It was kind of funny... instead of all of us racing to be first.. we all just stopped dead in our tracks... smiled and waited for the others to proceed. After an uncomfortable half minute... I decided to make the move.. because they were not budging... we all laughed and they actually moved over to the next register that was opening. (I don't usually make a move like that.. especially because they were my elders). I commented how odd it was that this was the circumstance. Usually there is a race to be first and maybe even some name calling, rolling eyes, comments, looks and the like. Sheesh.

I taught my kinds growing up and acronym: JOY.... J:Jesus  O: Others Y: Yourself.. and it TRULY does equal JOY and more so if EVERYONE subscribes to it! If not.. the joy is yours knowing that you 'follow in the footsteps of Jesus'.

Ha ha ha.. but.. I DO have some hard times doing this also. Such as Football and Basketball. Some in my family love the games. I, on the other hand, would rather pull out every single hair in my eyebrow, eat a bowl full of Lima beans, or listen to the unceasing cry of a two year old saying..."mine, mine, mine". (Ok.. maybe NOT the Lima bean thing).

Anyhow, you get my drift.

Thing is there are some things some in my family don't particularly like either. Like too many chick flix! The guys gotta have some Rambo style movies on occasion or their masculinity can come into question! LOL...

I guess the thing is.. is the sacrifices are the greatest for another when we do the thing we hate the most just to see them happy and smiling. When we hear how wonderful we are... lol... that helps too. ( I just don't know where I can buy a set of fake eye brows. :p ) 

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Teach Titus 2: 2-5

"Teach the older men to be temperate." In a world full of selfish gluttony and instant gratification..how hard is it to be temperate? On the battlefield of life riddled with cuts and wounds.. how hard is it not to over-medicate on the things of life that bring temporary..(or we think) comfort? We don't know how to be temperate anymore. We are too busy gathering things to pacify us.

Both men and women today struggle with being overweight, partially because we eat to comfort ourselves. We don't necessarily always eat too much, we just eat those things we call..lol.. 'comfort foods.' They give comfort until the scale hits a higher mark and our clothes become a little on the snug side. We eat poorly even more so because we are so busy! "Grab and Go" is a cool term for convenience, but not always the healthiest of choices. Most drive through restaurants offer a host of what I call 'heart attack food.' At my age I can't afford that kind of fare.. so I skip it.

There are ATM's on every street corner so we can fulfill our need to satisfy ourselves at any given moment when the urges arise. Stores have instant credit and store cards that make slipping another iron-clad noose over our necks less painless. In short.. there are ways to get pretty much whatever we want in America at anytime...if we are willing to pay the piper his due. America is in great debt.. because of her lack of temperance.

After depleting all of our reserves...it's time to go back to Balance.. Moderation.. in all things. Health follows this truth.

"Worthy of respect"... Are we? Worthy of respect? When we drive down the road and cut off the car we've just passed to get to our destination faster does that make us worthy? When we fail to meet our husband's on time for dinner because we just had to get that deal closed early.. are we worthy of his respect? What is his value in our eyes?

Are you husband's worthy of respect when you come home smelling like her perfume at 8:00 in the evening and your dinner is on the table..cold? Our the children we have raised respectful to their elders and to all their peers?  Are we caring for our elderly parents and taking time to visit our grandparents?

I believe there are things that we automatically give.. though.. I fail at them several times a week myself. Love, honor, respect and a basic level of trust. These to me these are not something that are 'earned' but granted. If the person is one of character.. then it is a privilege to shower them in these... but what if they are rascals? Tyrants? Heavy burdensome weights tied to our necks? What if they suck the life out of us?  Are takers? Are they also to receive these things? Yes.. less perhaps at times the trust. All men by virtue of being created by GOD are to receive these basic but most important gifts. But.. to those who do not live worthy of respect? Consider your ways and make someone's life less troublesome.

"Self-controlled" To the level that GOD has worked this into us.. let us walk in it. He says that a 'person who cannot control his / her own spirit is like a city without walls" In the old days and still today in many places around the world... there are gates and walls that are placed around properties for protection. To place effective boundaries so that those that are within cannot carry on their business past respectable lines... and those that are without cannot cross over into someone's private space. Protection for each.

To live a life that is full of godly self control is a person who is stream-lining their path to their destiny and to their heavenly home. Balance and health are the words that blanket this lifestyle and usher many into their golden years.. wiser, joyful, thankful, and younger at heart.

"Sound in Faith, Love, and Endurance" Something that is Sound.. is strong, stable, cannot be moved, and it built with quality. To have a faith, love and endurance such as this will see a person through any and all of life's tribulation. Faith that is unshakable knows the heart and character of His Maker and trusts Him to deliver every single time, as He says He will. Love that is this solid is a love that never fails the giver or the receiver of it. It last for always and stands the tests of time.. is always selfless. Endurance is what can take us through anything. Our eyes are set..our hearts are fixed on the Goal and our focus is unwavering. Through any weather we forge forward. It is another word for Hope.. because Hope will not give up or in!

Women are to be "reverent". How many women pursue reverence? I know that in many ways in my life.. I do this well. In a few of the most key relationships I fail.... miserably at times. My struggle goes back to the earning of things.. Respect is not earned.. it is given... but again.. one can be "worthy or not" to receive it. It is much easier to give it to one who walks worthy of it.. but none of us do that perfectly either. A woman's dress should be moderate and show that she honors God and those around her, and that she respects herself, His Temple.. not advertising her attributes as if she were on some street corner. She carries herself well, has words that build up with wisdom and is who she is, wherever she is. She is not one given to gossip or to too much wine. She does not slander or belittle those around her and teaches those younger than she to walk worthy of their Lord and Savior. They are to love their husbands, their children and provide for their needs.. to give them a Home... not just a house to dwell in. They are their husband's other half, but are to respect God's chain of authority. For some women this is an easier task than for others... but strive to do what you can and let God help you to attain what His desire is. Men.. do likewise.. your wife is to be loved and cherished above all other human relationships.. if she does not feel that love.. why do you expect her respect? Both are to love.. and to respect one another... for you are One Flesh in the eyes of GOD. May He work with us and in us to walk in a Worthy manner before the World.. bringing honor and Glory to His Name. Amen.