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Monday, September 27, 2010

Left or Right GOD?

So.. it's official. GOD has emptied out my life like a suitcase. I guess a very few of my friends would say.."This is good!" I have to agree... although the 'unpacking of it' was a mystery I did not see coming or understand. Last night when I went to the service at the mission... the LORD began to directly address my thoughts on things. Have you ever felt as though you were the only one in the room, and that He was there just to counsel and to comfort you? Wow! I left the same way I walked in.. in the sense that I don't have a clue as to what GOD is up to.. but at least I know He is in control and the Captain of my life. So.. I can rest.. even without 'Knowing.'

This morning.. when I woke up, He led me to Galatians 3:6-10 and to Hebrews 11:8. FAITH that GOES without KNOWING. Abraham. I love it. The whole thing I am learning about Faith is that it has nothing to do even with the promises we may receive... or looking to anyone or anything else.. ALL Faith has to do with is one thing: "Will we trust in the CHARACTER of GOD." That's it. That's how Abraham got from point A to point B... Just knowing the Heart of the One He followed was TRUE.

So.. like the Starfish sitting by the vast Ocean.. I wait for His waves to come and steal me away.. Where to? Wherever He desires. I will trust Him!

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