It's 2 A.M...and I decided to get up and just seek the LORD. I love this time.. the time when all is quiet, no noise, no distractions, no one tugging, demanding, or talking.. just the half light of a lamp, the Word, and I.
It's been a rough part of the road to travel lately. Many battles and lessons and I find myself ...dried up.. tired, a weary soldier. I was looking at a slide show of streams... brooks running over rocks... waterfalls.. I kep t wishing I was in the picture and asked the LORD to pour out a time of renewal and refreshing on me... ahhh...
As I was just telling the LORD all that was in my heart and asking Him what was in His.. I found His Mind to be on something totally different... and this is the second time in 24 hours He brought this to my attention. I was reminded of one of my friends who always sends me emails... things forwarded and words.. I don't read most of them because I was also reminded by the LORD the confusion that can come from listening to so many people. Many times they are not from the LORD. While I know we can ALL get into the 'flesh' at times.. me included.. The concern the LORD showed tonight really impacted me.
He took me to 2 Thessalonians 2 and and 2 Peter 2....false prophets, false teachers, the Man and the Spirit of Lawlessness... false signs and wonders.. the deception of those who may claim they are the LORD's.. but are not. It makes me shiver!!!
Although we have the Holy Spirit living in us and He keeps us in the Way of Truth.. we have to be looking for it and not looking for what makes us 'feel good and tickles our ears as well as our fancy!'
Many are brought into awful places of confusion that is cast by the Enemy using not so innocent and innocent but ignorant people... this can lead us to roads of Pain.
I have decided, at the LORD's Word that this is the Day to HUNKER DOWN and INTO the Spirit of the Living GOD and Listen only to the WORD and the SPIRIT. I will know His Voice that speaks through men when my relationship with Him and His Word are in tact... but.. NOT when all I do is lightly acknowledge Him and run to and fro on Facebook and elsewhere looking for the 'words' of people or the Enemy to guide me. LORD.. help us.
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