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Monday, October 4, 2010

The Interests of Others

I don't have a hard time helping.... If someone is in need I like, when I am able, to be a part of the Giving. It's important to do so, as we also have our own times of need. If you have never been 'in need' it's hard for you to grasp completely.. but your day may come... and not just fiscally. Also... ALL that we have belongs to the LORD and not us.. so that we might know that our hands should always be open to share what we have or give what He asks of us. And.. there WILL be times He asks us to give the thing we 'value' the most.

Yesterday....and this was new.... we stopped in a store to get a few things after lunch. As we got to the registers, myself and two other older women were heading for the same speedy checkout line. It was kind of funny... instead of all of us racing to be first.. we all just stopped dead in our tracks... smiled and waited for the others to proceed. After an uncomfortable half minute... I decided to make the move.. because they were not budging... we all laughed and they actually moved over to the next register that was opening. (I don't usually make a move like that.. especially because they were my elders). I commented how odd it was that this was the circumstance. Usually there is a race to be first and maybe even some name calling, rolling eyes, comments, looks and the like. Sheesh.

I taught my kinds growing up and acronym: JOY.... J:Jesus  O: Others Y: Yourself.. and it TRULY does equal JOY and more so if EVERYONE subscribes to it! If not.. the joy is yours knowing that you 'follow in the footsteps of Jesus'.

Ha ha ha.. but.. I DO have some hard times doing this also. Such as Football and Basketball. Some in my family love the games. I, on the other hand, would rather pull out every single hair in my eyebrow, eat a bowl full of Lima beans, or listen to the unceasing cry of a two year old saying..."mine, mine, mine". (Ok.. maybe NOT the Lima bean thing).

Anyhow, you get my drift.

Thing is there are some things some in my family don't particularly like either. Like too many chick flix! The guys gotta have some Rambo style movies on occasion or their masculinity can come into question! LOL...

I guess the thing is.. is the sacrifices are the greatest for another when we do the thing we hate the most just to see them happy and smiling. When we hear how wonderful we are... lol... that helps too. ( I just don't know where I can buy a set of fake eye brows. :p ) 

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