"Teach the older men to be temperate." In a world full of selfish gluttony and instant gratification..how hard is it to be temperate? On the battlefield of life riddled with cuts and wounds.. how hard is it not to over-medicate on the things of life that bring temporary..(or we think) comfort? We don't know how to be temperate anymore. We are too busy gathering things to pacify us.
Both men and women today struggle with being overweight, partially because we eat to comfort ourselves. We don't necessarily always eat too much, we just eat those things we call..lol.. 'comfort foods.' They give comfort until the scale hits a higher mark and our clothes become a little on the snug side. We eat poorly even more so because we are so busy! "Grab and Go" is a cool term for convenience, but not always the healthiest of choices. Most drive through restaurants offer a host of what I call 'heart attack food.' At my age I can't afford that kind of fare.. so I skip it.
There are ATM's on every street corner so we can fulfill our need to satisfy ourselves at any given moment when the urges arise. Stores have instant credit and store cards that make slipping another iron-clad noose over our necks less painless. In short.. there are ways to get pretty much whatever we want in America at anytime...if we are willing to pay the piper his due. America is in great debt.. because of her lack of temperance.
After depleting all of our reserves...it's time to go back to Balance.. Moderation.. in all things. Health follows this truth.
"Worthy of respect"... Are we? Worthy of respect? When we drive down the road and cut off the car we've just passed to get to our destination faster does that make us worthy? When we fail to meet our husband's on time for dinner because we just had to get that deal closed early.. are we worthy of his respect? What is his value in our eyes?
Are you husband's worthy of respect when you come home smelling like her perfume at 8:00 in the evening and your dinner is on the table..cold? Our the children we have raised respectful to their elders and to all their peers? Are we caring for our elderly parents and taking time to visit our grandparents?
I believe there are things that we automatically give.. though.. I fail at them several times a week myself. Love, honor, respect and a basic level of trust. These to me these are not something that are 'earned' but granted. If the person is one of character.. then it is a privilege to shower them in these... but what if they are rascals? Tyrants? Heavy burdensome weights tied to our necks? What if they suck the life out of us? Are takers? Are they also to receive these things? Yes.. less perhaps at times the trust. All men by virtue of being created by GOD are to receive these basic but most important gifts. But.. to those who do not live worthy of respect? Consider your ways and make someone's life less troublesome.
"Self-controlled" To the level that GOD has worked this into us.. let us walk in it. He says that a 'person who cannot control his / her own spirit is like a city without walls" In the old days and still today in many places around the world... there are gates and walls that are placed around properties for protection. To place effective boundaries so that those that are within cannot carry on their business past respectable lines... and those that are without cannot cross over into someone's private space. Protection for each.
To live a life that is full of godly self control is a person who is stream-lining their path to their destiny and to their heavenly home. Balance and health are the words that blanket this lifestyle and usher many into their golden years.. wiser, joyful, thankful, and younger at heart.
"Sound in Faith, Love, and Endurance" Something that is Sound.. is strong, stable, cannot be moved, and it built with quality. To have a faith, love and endurance such as this will see a person through any and all of life's tribulation. Faith that is unshakable knows the heart and character of His Maker and trusts Him to deliver every single time, as He says He will. Love that is this solid is a love that never fails the giver or the receiver of it. It last for always and stands the tests of time.. is always selfless. Endurance is what can take us through anything. Our eyes are set..our hearts are fixed on the Goal and our focus is unwavering. Through any weather we forge forward. It is another word for Hope.. because Hope will not give up or in!
Women are to be "reverent". How many women pursue reverence? I know that in many ways in my life.. I do this well. In a few of the most key relationships I fail.... miserably at times. My struggle goes back to the earning of things.. Respect is not earned.. it is given... but again.. one can be "worthy or not" to receive it. It is much easier to give it to one who walks worthy of it.. but none of us do that perfectly either. A woman's dress should be moderate and show that she honors God and those around her, and that she respects herself, His Temple.. not advertising her attributes as if she were on some street corner. She carries herself well, has words that build up with wisdom and is who she is, wherever she is. She is not one given to gossip or to too much wine. She does not slander or belittle those around her and teaches those younger than she to walk worthy of their Lord and Savior. They are to love their husbands, their children and provide for their needs.. to give them a Home... not just a house to dwell in. They are their husband's other half, but are to respect God's chain of authority. For some women this is an easier task than for others... but strive to do what you can and let God help you to attain what His desire is. Men.. do likewise.. your wife is to be loved and cherished above all other human relationships.. if she does not feel that love.. why do you expect her respect? Both are to love.. and to respect one another... for you are One Flesh in the eyes of GOD. May He work with us and in us to walk in a Worthy manner before the World.. bringing honor and Glory to His Name. Amen.
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